Ryeland Family Tree

The Genealogy of the Ryeland and connected Families

Adrianus Franciscuszoon DE LANGET

Male Abt 1655 - Bef 1699  (44 years)

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  • Name Adrianus Franciscuszoon DE LANGET 
    Birth Abt 1655  Etten, , Noord-Brabant, Netherlands Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Gender Male 
    _UID 10E8C531298741CDAD39AC36D009AA221931 
    Reference Number 544 
    Death Bef 17 Apr 1699  Ulster County, New York, USA Find all individuals with events at this location 
    • Near Kingston
    Person ID I37926  Ryeland Family Tree
    Last Modified 19 Apr 2024 

    Father Franciscus Adrianus DE LANGET,   b. Abt 1627, Noord Brabant, Holland Find all individuals with events at this locationd. Yes, date unknown 
    Family ID F12599  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

    Family Rachel Janssen PIER,   b. 1657-1659, Amsterdam, , Noord-Holland, Netherlands Find all individuals with events at this locationd. Yes, date unknown 
    Marriage Abt 1678  Amsterdam, , Noord-Holland, Netherlands Find all individuals with events at this location 
     1. Willemtje DELANGE,   b. 1679, Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA Find all individuals with events at this locationd. Yes, date unknown
     2. Frans DELANGE,   b. Abt 1681, Esopus, Ulster, New York, USA Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 29 May 1755, Beekman, Dutchess, New York, USA Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 74 years)
     3. Jannetje DELANGE,   b. Abt 1683, Ulster County, New York, USA Find all individuals with events at this locationd. Yes, date unknown
     4. Marytie DELANGE,   c. 19 Oct 1684, Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA Find all individuals with events at this locationd. Yes, date unknown
     5. Rachel DELANGE,   b. Abt 1686   d. Yes, date unknown
     6. Ariaantje DELANGE,   b. Abt 1688   d. Yes, date unknown
     7. Jan Johannes DELANGE,   b. Abt 1690, Rochester, Monroe, New York, USA Find all individuals with events at this locationd. Yes, date unknown
     8. Wyntie FRANSSEN, (Franssen),   b. Abt 1693   d. Yes, date unknown
     9. Jonas DE LAENGE, Langet,   b. Abt 1696, Brahant Near, Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA Find all individuals with events at this locationd. Aug 1739, Dutchess County, New York, USA Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 43 years)
     10. Geesjen DE LANGE,   b. Abt 1698   d. Yes, date unknown
    Family ID F12598  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart
    Last Modified 27 Nov 2014 

  • Event Map
    Link to Google MapsBirth - Abt 1655 - Etten, , Noord-Brabant, Netherlands Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsMarriage - Abt 1678 - Amsterdam, , Noord-Holland, Netherlands Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsDeath - Bef 17 Apr 1699 - Ulster County, New York, USA Link to Google Earth
     = Link to Google Earth 

  • Notes 
    • New England - New York Ancestors Before 1850, by Seattle Genealogical Society, 1984. !Arie Delong, probabe immigrant, first appeared in Kingston, N.Y. in the county records as Adrian Fransen, 1671. Probably settled Rochester township. The baptisms of seven of their ten children are found in Kingston where baptisms were recorded for the surrounding area 1681-93 and where Arie settled by 1671. Early Ulster Co. deeds. Early English Deed Vol. 1, page 26: "15 Feb 1685 Leanard Coale of Marbletown and Mary his wife to Mr. Francis Rombout of the citty of new york, deed for 10 shillings land over the Rideouts Kill or creek att Mombackes which Leonard hath let unto farme to Arien France of Mombackus, Also land upon---etc." page 150: "Tjercke Clase de witt of Kingston sells for 50 pounds to Cornelis Swits of Mombackus land at Mombackus to west of other lands of sd. Tjerck de witt, now in possession of Jan de witt; and east of land of Mr. Ffrederick philips, cont. about 60 acers, and fformerly sold to Tjerck de witt by Ariaan ffrance and james pemmits; with small peece of paster land---etc. Signed in Kingstonffef. 1694/5." His name appears in various forms in the baptismal and other records as: Aryan Fransen, Ary Franz Langet, Ary Franze, Ariaan France Lange, Ary Frans, Arie Fransen Langerth, Adriaan Fransen, Ariaan France and Arie Franssen. Arie was probably of Dutch-Germanic origin. Irwin Hoch DeLong in the Genealogical Society of Pennsylvania publication 1922, page 207, writes extensively on the error of considering Delong to be exclusively or even primarilyt French, a misrepresentation in an 1856 publication. !Reference Poughkeepsie records searched by Mrs. Amy Ver Nooy and Mrs. David Stallard Vital, church and land records of Ulster and Dutchess Counties. Old Dutch Church of Kingston - Hoes, 1891. !The family name DeLong is a partially Anglicised Germanic name, consisting of two elements: the Germanic definite article 'de' = the English 'the'; and the adjective 'lang'. The latter was Anglicised as 'long.' The name Delange (variants: Delanghe, Delangh, Delange, Delang, DeLang, etc.) is the Low German equivalent of the High German: der Lange. The name DeLong in its High German form occurs still earlier than the year 1366, the year in which is found its earliest occurrence in its Low German form. !Early occurrences in Europe of the Family name DeLong in its high German form are listed in the paper by Irwin Hoch DeLong, Early Occurrences of the Family Name DeLong in Europe and in America, reprinted from The Reformed Church Review, Vol. 3, No. e, July, 1924; the first is Ulrich Der Lange or Lang 1145 in Zurich; Dominus Reinboldus dectus Der Lange 1261 in Stuttgart; and several more through 1329 in Basil.

      From Bill , 31 August 1998 1:58PM: Unsubstantiated claims say that Arie was born about 1653 in Amsterdam and that his father wa s Frans, born about 1627. Arie came to America and settled at what is now known as Kingston , New York. We do not know when he arrived there but he was an adult living there in the ear ly 1670's. He died sometime after the birth of his son (1696). Assuming that he was named i n the Dutch tradition, his middle name means he was a son of a Frans Langet. His wife, Rache l Janssen Pier, was born 1657/1659 and was still living in 1723. The Kingston Dutch Reforme d Church records (#143) show us that "Rachel Pier, widow of Arie Franssen", married again o n 17 April, 1699, to Allert Hendricksen Ploeg, who was born at, and resided at Kingston, Ne w York. Rachel was shown as born in Amsterdam, Holland. An un-identified note, and unproven , said Arie died "in" 1699. Rachel's full name was Rachel Janssen Pier. Arie's name, and va riations of it, appear in several records in early New York State. Not all were known to b e him. 1) Arent Franken, of Arthur, Frenchman, arrived New Amsterdam aboard "Faith" on 12 Februar y 1959 from "leveren" (possibly Evron in "Mayenne Province" (Maine)? 2) Arian ffrancon, one of militia soldiers in a Proclamation of Executive Council of the P rovince of New York, April 4, 1670: "on the following day, soldiers will draw lotts for lan d to be allotted and laid out for them in Kinston, Marbletown and Esopus". Land grants to th em and heirs forever (Minutes of Executive Council, Province of New York. 1668-1673 New Yor k State Library, 22:99) 3) Land grants, page 12 -description of survey of 32A, at Esopus "lying ye Roundout Kill ( stream), laid out for Aran Franse". 4) Werner Wessels, plaintiff, vs. Derek Smitt, defendant; Wessels demands 120 florins in t obacco from Arie Fransen, according to obligations accepted by defendant to pay as his own . Defendant says, as before, he has not accepted to pay before Arent Fransen shall have take n a voyage to Virginia, which he has not done. Court sided with plaintiff (New Amsterdam rec ords, Vol. 3, p. 49) -what date? 5) Leonard Coale (sic) sells land in Ulster Co. to Francis Rombout of New York City; tenan t is Arien France. (Feb., 1685). 6) Adrian Frannsen De Lange m. 1680 at Kingston, Ulster Co., Rachael Jans Pier (LDS, p. 5 726). u) Arie Fransen Langet, skipper of Sander Lienderzen's yacht, lived on his 32A at Esopus u ntil his death in 1699. This individual was found on GenCircles at: http://www.gencircles.com/users/george_universe/1/data/251

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