Ryeland Family Tree

The Genealogy of the Ryeland and connected Families


Edward RYELAND[1]

Male 1910 - 1932  (22 years)

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  • Name Edward RYELAND  [2, 3
    Birth 1910  Dover, , Kent, England Find all individuals with events at this location  [1, 2, 3, 4
    • Day may be transcribed from death?
    Gender Male 
    _UID 67380C0E901B405A8E62B02DA00AFF42B6A6 
    Education Dover County School for Boys 1918-26  [5
    Obituary Dec 1932 
    • The Death of Mr E. Ryeland

      There were many public manifestations of respect and sympathy at the funeral which took place on Wednesday at St. Mary's Cemetery, of Mr. Edward Ryeland, aged 22 years, the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Ryeland, whose death on Thursday, 29th December, was reported in last week's issue. Mr, Ryeland, who was a Lieutenant in No. 3 Company, Cinque Ports, (Fortress) Royal Engineers, was accorded a military funeral. The Band of the Royal Sussex Regiment headed the cortege, which included a large detachment of the Cinque Ports (Fortress) R.E. under Major W. F. Godfrey and a number of the 4th Bn. The Buffs, under Captain J. Sherwood. The officers on parade were Capt. J. Mills, Capt. J. H. B. Lowe, Capt. A. B. Thomas, Lieutenants C. V. Grifna, M. Durban and B. P. Oaye (Cinque Ports (F.) R.E.), Capt. G. C. Wood (R.S. (T.)), Lieutenant A. C. Roberts (The Buffs), Major R.D.B. Perrott (Deputy Chief Engineer, Eastern Command). The coffin was covered with the Union Jack, was carried on a gun carriage provided by the Lincolnshire Regiment. The deceased's cap and sword rested on the coffin. Canon Elnor officiated at the funeral and after the service the buglers of the Royal Sussex Regiment sounded the "Last Post" and the "Reveille." The bearers were the following N.C.O.'s of the Cinque Ports (Fortress) Royal Engineers, C.Q.M.S. Green, Sergeants Fleeman, Blackburn, Tucker, Woods and Trumper.

      The family mourners were Capt. A. E. Ryeland (father), Mr. H. A. J. Ryeland, Mr. A. E. Ryeland, Mr. C. Ryeland and Mr. F. Ryeland (brothers), Mr. W. Castell (brother-in-law), Captain H. L. Dargan.

      Amongst others present were: - Major J. H. Mowll (C.P. (Fortress) R.E.), Major L. B. Bushell (R.A.), Mr. J. Saunders (Assistant Hon. Secretary) and Major J. Martin and Mr. P. Wenborn (representing the Dover Sea Angling Association), Captain W. E. Pearce (representing Dover County School Cadet Corps), Mr. F. Whitehouse, M.A., and Mr. W. H. Darby (Dover County School for Boys), Mr. W. Perks (H.M. Inspector of Aliens) and Mr. Humphrey (Immigration Officer), Mr. L. Fox and Mr. T. B. Elliott (H.M. Customs), Mr. E. P. Whettingstall (Waterguard Surveyor), Mr. E. F. Prescott (D.C.S. Old Boys Association) Captain H. G. Baxter (representing Messrs, J. E. Lukey and Sons), Capt. Louis Brady and Messrs. Trodden and Sparkes (representing Messrs. Townsend Bros. Ferries, Ltd.), Captain, Wedbrook (Pilot Cutter), Mrs. F. Whitehouse, Councillor and Mrs. F. R. Powell, Councillor J. Walker, Mr. C. S. Grieff, Mr. J. Curtis, Mr. R. D. Carter, Mr. And Mrs. A. Watts.

      Floral tributes were sent as follows: - - From Dad and Mother dear - Always in my thoughts - May - With heartbroken love, from Alice and Bob - To dear Edward, from Maisie and Jim - From Albert, Nora and family - Chas and Nora - From John and Mary - Fred, Edith and Baby Arthur - From his two little nieces, Betty and Beatrice - With love, from Roger and David - From Mrs. Rogers - Mr. And Mrs. A. E. Corteel and family - Mr. And Mrs. Castell, senr., and Ciss - Mr. And Mrs. Castell, junr. - Mr. And Mrs. H. Ascough and Fred Ascough (Cordene, Bolton) - Miss Ella Dargan - Captain H. L. Dargan - Mr. And Mrs. H. E. Dargan (Purley) - Tony, Doreen and Tony Boy - Miss Kathleen Beeching - Mrs Grange and Bernice - Mr. And Mrs. Crouch - Mr. And Mrs. H. Benz and Miss Benz - E. Knowles - His old chum Sydney and Mr. And Mrs. Parker (Deal) - The Commanding Officer and Officers, Cinque Ports (Fortress) Royal Engineers - Lt.-Col. Allen Buchanan, Royal Engineers, and Officers, R.E. Dover - Officers, N.C.O's and Men of 233rd Field Battery Royal Artillery (T.) - Officers Warrant Officers, N.C.O's and Men, 168th Heavy Battery - All ranks, "D" Coy., 4th Bn. The Buffs, Dover - The Officers, N.C.O's and Cadets of the Dover County School Cadet Company - Warrant Officers and Sergeants, Cinque Ports (Fortress) R.E. - The President, Committee and Members of the Dover County School Old Boys' Association - The Staff of the Customs House, Dover - Waterguard Department, H.M. Customs and Excise - Immigration and Special Branch Staffs Dover - Members of the Dover Golf Club - Masters and Engineers of the Dover Tugs - Crews of the motor launches "Ocean King" and "Ocean Queen" - Motor-boat "Sabine" and crew - Motor-boat "Sabina" and crew - Crew of the motor-boat "Spartan" - The Staff, Messrs. Killick and Back - The Royal Automobile Club Port Officers, Dover - The Automobile Association, Dover Port Staff - The Dover Sea, Angling Association - T. E. Brockman - Mr. and Mrs. Burwill - Mr. and Mrs. John Walker - Mr. S. T. Hills - The Directors of Messrs. William Crundalt and Co., Ltd. - H. E. Cullin and workmen - O.G. Bavington Jones and R. F. Bavington Jones - Miss Daisy Boyton - Mr. and Mrs. Fred Whitehouse - Captain and Miss Iron - Ernest A. Marsh - J. R. W. Richardson - Mrs. And Miss Grant - Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Palmer - Mr. and Mrs. William J. Peppin and Staff - Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Knott - Major. J. R. P. Clarke - Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Gunn and Alfred - Mr. and Mrs. W. Garland - Mrs. Stacey - Mr. and Mrs. M. Piggott - Mr. and Mrs. Dunbar McQueen - Mr and Mrs. S. R. Birch - A. L. Green - Mr. and Mrs. E. King - John E. Lukey - Mr. and Mrs. Sawyer - Mr. and Mrs. T. Harvey - Mrs. R. Jenner, George and Frank - Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence and Son - Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Harrow - Mr. C. Horace Tyrell and family - Mrs. Sibley and Al (Eastbourne) - Mr. A. Decort - Mr. and Mrs. McNeir - Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Watson and family - Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Blackman - Mr. and Mrs. Fred Simpkins - Mr. and Mrs. Sharp and Family - Mr. and Mrs. R. Romney - Councillor and Mrs. Gore - Councillor Major and Mrs. and Willy Martin - Mr. and Mrs. Kinson and family - Mr. and Mrs. Witherall and family - Mr. and Mrs. A. Carter and family - Mr. and Mrs. P. Martin - Mr. and Mrs. Gruet - R. Baker and H. E. Stanford - Mr. and Mrs. Grieff and Nita - W. G. Birt - C. Floyd - Mr. and Mrs. Ballard - Mr. and Mrs. Mangill and Nita - Mr. and Mrs. V. Toop - Mr. and Mrs. G. Shilson and Sons - "Tibbles"

      The funeral arrangements were carried out by Mr. B. J. Andrews, of 22, New St., and 34, Longfield Road.
    Residence 29 Dec 1932  Dover, , Kent, England Find all individuals with events at this location  [6
    7 Snargate Street 
    Death 29 Dec 1932  Dover, , Kent, England Find all individuals with events at this location  [4, 6, 7, 8
    Cause: Heart Failure due to Rheumatic Fever 
    • Died at 7 Snargate Street Dover

      Deaths Dec 1932 (92%)
      Ryeland Edward 22 Dover 2a 1418
    Obituary 30 Dec 1932  Dover, , Kent, England Find all individuals with events at this location  [9
    Dover Express 
    Occupation Lieutenant in No. 3 Company Cinque Ports (Fortress) Royal Engineers  [10
    Burial 4 Jan 1933  St Mary's Cemetery, Dover, , Kent, England Find all individuals with events at this location  [8
    • Grave Ld4 (Same grave as his mother)
    Edward Ryeland Grave.jpg
    Edward Ryeland Grave.jpg
    Ryeland Grave St Marys Dover Arthur E Mary Ann E Charles N Nora S L and Edward.jpg
    Ryeland Grave St Marys Dover Arthur E Mary Ann E Charles N Nora S L and Edward.jpg
    Probate 7 Feb 1933  London, , Greater London, England Find all individuals with events at this location  [6
    • RYELAND Edward of 7 Snargate-street Dover died 29 December 1932 Administration London 7 Debruary to Arthur Edwin Ryeland retired captian H.M. arym. Effects 355 pounds 10s.
    Person ID I7449  Ryeland Family Tree
    Last Modified 19 Apr 2024 

    Father Captain Arthur Edwin RYELAND,   b. 16 Mar 1872, Kings Cross, Islington, , Middlesex, England Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 5 Mar 1963, River, Dover, , Kent, England Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 90 years) 
    Mother Mary Ann Elizabeth BANFILL,   b. 2 Apr 1873, Camberwell, Surrey, England Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 19 May 1942, Banstead, , Surrey, England Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 69 years) 
    Marriage 13 Jan 1895  All Saints, Deptford, Greenwich, , Kent, England Find all individuals with events at this location  [1, 3, 7, 11, 12, 13
    • All Saints, Hatcham Park [11]
    Arthur Edwin RYELAND and Mary Ann Elizabeth BANFILL Marriage Certificate.jpg
    Arthur Edwin RYELAND and Mary Ann Elizabeth BANFILL Marriage Certificate.jpg
    Family ID F1333  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

  • Event Map
    Link to Google MapsBirth - 1910 - Dover, , Kent, England Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsResidence - 7 Snargate Street - 29 Dec 1932 - Dover, , Kent, England Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsDeath - Cause: Heart Failure due to Rheumatic Fever - 29 Dec 1932 - Dover, , Kent, England Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsObituary - Dover Express - 30 Dec 1932 - Dover, , Kent, England Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsBurial - 4 Jan 1933 - St Mary's Cemetery, Dover, , Kent, England Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsProbate - 7 Feb 1933 - London, , Greater London, England Link to Google Earth
     = Link to Google Earth 

  • Notes 
    • No. 72. MARCH, 1933. VOL. XXIII.

      In memory of the late Edward Ryeland there will be presented annually an "Edwaid Ryeland Memorial Prize," the gift of his brother, Frederick G. Ryeland, who is himself also one of our Old Boys, and to whom we offer on behalf of the School our sincere thanks. The conditions under which the prize will be awarded will be announced later. It is a tribute to the sterling character, of one whose good qualities endeared him to all who knew him.

      We deeply regret to announce the following deaths

      29th December.-Edward Ryeland (1918-26), Lient. in the Cinque Ports (Fortress) Royal Engineers.

      Many will have heard with regret of the sudden death in December last of Edward Ryeland. A lasting reminder of his. loyalty to the Corps and all that it means is shown by the gift of a 0.22 Vickers rifle, with the inscription "Presented to the Dover County School in Proud Memory of Lieut. Edward Ryeland, C.P. (F.) R.E., a Former Scholar and a Member of the School Cadet Corps, who Passed Away 29th December,. 1932, Aged 22 Years."

      Ryeland Edward, Dover, 2a 1106 April 1910
      Ryeland Edward, Dover, 2a 1418 Dec 1932 - Aged 22 Years [5, 10]

  • Sources 
    1. [S16] 1911 British Census.

    2. [S701] Roger Banfil & Dick Ryeland, Roger Banfil & Dick Ryeland Family Tree.

    3. [S68] Joan Alberta Ryeland, Joan Alberta Ryeland.

    4. [S2] GRO Indexes.

    5. [S255] Dover County School for Boys Archives, (URL: http://dovergrammar.co.uk/).

    6. [S550] Ancestry.com, England & Wales, National Probate Calendar (Index of Wills and Administrations),1861-1941.

    7. [S4] Philip Ryeland, Philip Ryeland Family Tree.

    8. [S798] Dover District Council - Cemetery Department.

    9. [S58] findmypast.co.uk, British Newspapers 1710-1950.

    10. [S179] John Ryeland Family Tree, John Ryeland Family Tree, The Dover Express and East Kent News Friday 6 January 1933 (Reliability: 3).

    11. [S5] Free BMD.

    12. [S20] FamilySearch International Genealogical Index v5.0, (URL: http://www.familysearch.org).

    13. [S172] England and Wales. Registrar General., Arthur Edwin RYELAND and Mary Ann Elizabeth BANFILL Marriage Certificate, marriage certificate (Reliability: 3).

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